Knit & Natter is back! With Elena Costella

First Thursday of every month, 10am till 12 noon, £5 which includes beverages and tray bakes meeting in the Garden Cafe.
No need to book - just come along to the Garden Cafe and join in the fun! Don't for get your pins!
Couple of new bits and pieces:
- please look at this as a stitching group if you are not knitters. Feel free to bring anything you are working on be it knitting, crochet, embroidery, hand stitching...
- Also, Elena says she is available to teach any of the above (for a fee!), so if you particularly want to learn or improve a skill, just let her know. It can be individual or a small group.
You can find out more about the group or tuition by emailing Elena at or at the group meetings.
Elena is looking forward to seeing many old and new faces!