Colour in the winter garden

Plant potted bulbs, primroses and pansies for early colour in containers and borders. Different primrose varieties with single and double flowers will be coming in each week in January and February.
Midwinter flower
- Helleborus: white flowered Christmas Roses in flower now.
- Primroses buds ready to burst into bloom.
- Tete a tete bulbs just coming through.
- Galanthus nivalis (Snowdrop).
- Hyacinth bulbs for early Spring scent and colour.
Midwinter Scented Plants
- Hamamelis (Witch Hazel),
- Sarcococca (Christmas Box)
- Winter flowering Viburnum.
Midwinter Foliage colour
- Euonymus fortunei bright yellow variegation
- Aucuba (spotted laurel) bright yellow splashes.