Pruning in June

Pruning in June
  • Prune out any frost damage from winter once you can se where the new growth is coming from.
  • Prune flowering shrubs such as Deutzia, Kolkwitzia, Weigela and Philadelphus as soon as they finish flowering so they can regrow and flower well next year.
  • Rhododendrons can be pruned after flowering if they are leggy or outgrowing their space.
  • Prune rampant Clematis montana as soon as it has finished flowering. You can really hack it hard at this time of year. 
  • Remove any reverted green shoots on hardy variegated plants such as Elaeagnus to prevent reversion to green.
  • Twining climbers (such as honeysuckle and Clematis) need regular tying in and twining around their supports.
  • Tie in some stems of climbing and rambling roses as near to horizontal as possible. This will encourage lots of dense flowering shoots to come from them.