Amaryllis in November

Amaryllis or Hippeastrum is a tender bulb for growing in a pot indoors.
- Bulbs should flower six-eight weeks after planting.
- Plant from October-January. Plant (using multipurpose or John Innes compost) into pots a little larger than the bulb itself.
- Two-thirds of the bulb should remain above the surface.
- Place in a well-lit spot at 21°C (70°F) (comfortable home temperature).
- Water sparingly until the new leaves develop and then start watering regularly. Do not let the compost dry out, but avoid excess water collecting in the saucer.
- Turn the pot regularly to prevent the flower stalk growing towards the light.
- Cultivars with large flowers should be staked. When in flower, move the plant to a cooler place, about 15–18°C (60-65°F), to extend the flowering period